Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management

Our line of work is based on Integrated Pest Management, consisting of the combination of actions aimed at controlling the various pests, diseases and nutritional deficiencies that can affect trees and palms with the minimum use of chemical pesticides, in order to protect the environment, people and other living beings. For this we use the following techniques:

- Continuous inspection

- Biological treatments with natural predators (such as nematodes)

- Mechanical sanitation in heavily affected palm trees

- Endotherapy (injection to the trunk)

- Installation of a trapping network for pest monitoring and mass captures.


Plant endotherapy is undoubtedly the most effective and environmentally friendly method to treat diseases, pests and nutritional deficiencies in trees. Especially in cities, green areas and public gardens,by avoiding spreading phytosanitary products to the environment, soil and water. It doesn´t affect people or animals and can be applied at any time of the day.

With this method we eliminate the dispersion of pesticides that are so harmful to the environment and living beings, in addition to considerably reducing the cost of water compared to aerial fumigation.

Endotherapy consists of injecting the phytosanitary products into the tree through the trunk, which is distributed as it ascends through the xylem. Its persistence is high and in many cases one treatment will be enough for a duration of two years. Due to the complexities of this process, endotherapy must be applied by qualified companies.

Treatments using the endotherapy system:

 Species                                 Pest/disease

Palm trees                            Red weevil, mealybug,  Paysandisia archon

Platanus acerifilia                     Sycamore lace bug, Aphid

Ficus                                     Mealybug

Elm                                       Elm leafv beetle

Pine tree                               Processionary, Tomicus

Lemon & orange trees          Mealybug, Fungus, Leaf miner

Cypress                                 Emerald ash borer

Fruit trees                             Emerald ash borer, Mealybug, Mite

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