Integrated control of trees and palms
You can count on the services of Palmera Sana to meet and even exceed your needs. Learn more about the services we offer below, and let us know if you would like more information about a specific offer.
Professional palm and tree pruning service. Our priority is customer satisfaction, taking into account the safety and health of your palms and trees. Truck and own tanks. Management of pruning permits before public administrations. We have civil liability insurance.
Protect your loved ones and pets with our preventive treatment against Thaumetopoea pityocampa (pine processionary). Our endotherapy treatment (injection into the trunk) is totally safe for mammals, birds and other beneficial insects as it does not disperse any pesticide into the environment. In addition to being 100% effective, it represents a considerable saving of water of approximately 60 liters per pine compared to treatments by aerial fumigation. The ideal application period is from October to December to avoid the appearance of processionary nests in spring.
This consists of a cleaning operation on the meristem of a palm tree affected by red palm weevil, eliminating all living forms, as well as remains of decomposing fibers and galleries made by the larvae.
Palmera Sana was a pioneer in the application of this technique and after demonstration sessions organized in Marbella in 2008 in collaboration with the Marbella Town Hall and the research center of the Elche Town Hall Estación Phoenix, the Junta de Andalucía changed the action protocol against Red weevil advising this practice.
Since 2008 we have carried out more than 600 cleanups with a success rate of around 90%
Sustainable treatment against pests and diseases in trees and palms. Caused by insects, fungi or nutritional deficiency such as:
- Red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus)
- Palm borer (Paysandysia archon)
- Pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa)
- Elm Galeruca (Xanthogaleruca luteola)
- Phytophthora, Clorósis Férrica, etc
We have reduced chemical fumigation between 70 and 100%, achieving optimal effectiveness in our treatments.
We have a large and varied stock of palm trees. Especially the varieties Phoenix canariensis, Phoenix dactylifera, Wasingtonia and Syagrus romanzoffiana.
We distribute our palm trees located in Elche (UNESCO World Heritage Palm Grove) to any point in Spain.